Maybe I live in too much of a bubble-- But I wasn't aware that this "great" country had this severe of a problem-- SHAME ON YOU MEDIA for choosing non-important things to focus on-- like SWINE FLU and WHETHER or NOT the "Obama-siah" had his kids immunized or not.
How about we focus on something that can actually change AMERICA--- IT's YOUTH?
what a concept...loosers and btw, what kind of looser's engage in such horrific activites... I thought this was only in Taiwan...
...going back to my bubble now.
Amen sista! Couldn't agree more. Hope your house is coming along.
Hi. I found your blog trying to find out what were stitches. I read your words and saw the news link. I was actually one of the children rescued. I'm crying. I didn't think people care. Thank you for caring. Human trafficking is big in U.S. It doesn't make news so people don't know.
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